

Esther Holland-Merten, artistic director

Alexandra Jachim, finance director

Head of dramaturgy

Hannah Lioba Egenolf

Head of artistic office and production

Desislava Tsoneva, Petersplatz

Jennifer Vogtmann, Kabelwerk

Head of marketing and cooperations

Sandra Hartinger

Public Relations

Sarah Zeilinger

Head of finance

Almina Vrce

Financial assistant

Alise Vrce

Head of technology

Thomas Bechter

Stefan Enderle

Technology Kabelwerk

Thomas Bechter

Sarah Hassan

Jakob Kainzbauer

Alexander Suchy

Francisco Osco Torres

Alexander Vasić

Markus Manahl

Technology Petersplatz

Fabian Rohrhofer

Facility management

Eveline Patocka

Head of audience service

Layla Fazlić

Audience service

Ida Belaga

Linus Brandstätter

Nina Buchelt

Anna Gasser

Helena Hauptmann

Jana Hauss

Florentina Kutschera

Benedikt Pittroff

Emma Rabl

Katharina Schauer

Makeda Totzer